The Cantoria, Ten Sculpted Marble Relief Panels by Luca della Robbia – Museum of the Cathedral, Opera del Duomo

Cathedral, Opera del Duomo

January 2013

- January 2014


Luca della Robbia’s Cantoria for Florence Cathedral was commissioned in 1431 and initially served as an organ loft.  It is currently housed in the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo.  The Cantoria’s ten large relief panels illustrate the text of Psalm 150, which is inscribed on its front.

Three of the panels, Boys Singing from a BookTrumpeters and Dancers, and Singers with Organ, Lute and Harp will travel to the United States, along with three large illuminated choir books from the Cathedral, for an exhibit organized by the High Museum in Atlanta.

The exhibit, “Make A Joyful Noise:” Renaissance Art and Music at Florence Cathedral is currently on view at the Detroit Institute of Art, through May 17, 2015.  It was previously on view at the High Museum in Atlanta.

All photos courtesy of Antonio Quattrone.

With the Generous Support of:

Boys Singing from a Book
Boys Singing from a Scroll
Players on the Psaltery
Players on the Cithara
Players on the Organ, Lute, and Harp
Nancy and Jeffrey Moreland, in honor of their grandchildren,
Charles, William, and Catherine Stallmer
Ashley and Shannon Beans

Choral Dancers
Tambourine Players
Cymbal Players
Sandy and Michael Collins, in honor of their grandsons, Jackson, Miles, Blake, and Liam

Simonetta and Girolamo Brandolini d’Adda and Renée and Steve Gardner, in honor of their children and grandchildren

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