Fall Program in Rome and Florence
While in Rome, highlights included:
• A visit to the Capitoline Hill and Museum, with overview of the Roman Forum.
• A visit to the Roman Houses of SS Giovanni e Paolo and the frescoes of the House of Livia in the Museo Nazionale alle Terme followed by cocktails and dinner on a panoramic terrace overlooking Rome.
• A visit to the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, followed by a private viewing of the Sancto Sanctorum.
• A visit to the medieval Church of San Clemente and a viewing of the earliest mosaic cycles in Rome.
• Visit to the Borghese Gallery and lunch at the American Academy of Rome.
• An overview visit of the Basilica of St. Peter’s and a private visit to the Vatican Galleries and Sistine Chapel.
• En route to Florence, a visit to the Cathedral of Orvieto.
While in Florence, highlights included:
• A private viewing of Michelangelo drawings on display at the Casa Buonarotti.
• A private visit to the Palatine Collection in Palazzo Pitti and lunch in the Boboli Gardens.
• A private visit to the Uffizi Gallery, including a visit to the Tribune, currently under restoration as Friends of Florence’s 10th Anniversary Project.