Restoration of ‘La Madonna della Misericordia (The Madonna of Mercy)’ Fresco, Recipient of the 2012 Biennial Friends of Florence-Salone dell’Arte Restauro Grant – Bigallo Museum

Bigallo Museum

January 2012


The First Friends of Florence-Salone dell’Arte & Restauro grant was awarded on November 10, 2012 to Lidia Cinelli for the restoration of the important fresco La Madonna della Misericordia (The Madonna of Mercy) in the Bigallo Museum. This important artwork includes one of the earliest depictions of Florence and the Baptistry.

74 entries for potential restoration projects were received and evaluated by the jury, comprised of the Director of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure; the President of the Salone; three Soprintendenti for the city of Florence; and Simonetta Brandolini, President of Friends of Florence.

For the award ceremony, held during the three day Salone dell’Arte & Restauro, more than 50 restorers were present along with both television and print journalists, many of the museum directors of Florence, and other guests.

Attendees of our Winter Programs with Dr. Bill Cook may remember visiting this special museum and fresco.

For more information about the Florence Art and Restoration Fair itself, please click here.
Further information about the grant may be found here.

To download more information about the grant, please click the links below:

Press Release
Announcement and Competition Rules.pdf
Disbursement of the Friends of Florence Award Grant.pdf

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